- Fermentation Application Sheet (probably will take 45 minutes)
- Update Vocab Sheet
- Study for Vocab Quiz
- Gather supplies and bring in to make the CO2 injectors in class Friday
- Fundraising will start next Monday. Each team should have a plan in place to implement. If you need earlier cash, you could ask someone you know for a cash advance by showing them your formal fundraising plan and signing a contract for when you are going to pay them back.
- We will try to make our trip to Aquarium Adventure next week.
- CO2 Injector Research and Design Sheet
- Study for Vocab Quiz
- Update Vocab List
- I am looking forward to these teams.
- We are going to need to start talking about fundraising.
- Vocab make-up quiz will be after school on Friday
- Here is the International Competition you will be submitting to on May 31st!
- Go to the design competition website
- Look through a lot of the entries
- Pull pictures of your favorites - along with the data about what is in them and judges comments
- Make a PPT slide for each of your favorite tanks.
- We will show the slides tomorrow in class via a student work gallery.
- Make-up vocab. quizzes will be on the Friday of each week. Everyone will get the same make-up quiz (which will be cumulative over that week's words).
- Study for Photosynthesis Test (it will be short-answer)
- Finish photosynthesis Packet (and check answers)
- Finish (if applicable) and bring your ACT Science answer key so we can grade it tomorrow.
- Good job voting on captains - two were clearly selected. I think I am going to have you vote once more for the third captain because all the other possible captains received roughly the same number of votes.
- Update vocab list
- Study for vocab quiz
- Complete (as much as possible) the light dependent reaction sheet
- We will try to finish light dependent reactions tomorrow and vote on captains (for the preliminary elections)
- We will finish voting on captains (based upon the results of the prelims) when we get back from break
- We will spend the first day after break reviewing photosynthesis and learning the Calvin cycle. We will have our big photosynthesis quiz/test on Tuesday of that week.
- Fill in your personal Vocab List based on today's lecture
- Study for vocab quiz
- Draw the Light dependent Reaction picture I sent in email
- Think about who you would like to vote for to be class captain
- Be sure that I got your email address in my address book after class - if not, see me tomorrow to get it put in.
- We will be handing out biology books to the whole class after spring break most likely. If you would like one before then, just let me know after class and I can get you one now.
- Chlorophyll Analysis Homework
- Update Vocab List
- Study for Vocab Quiz that will be cumulative over Monday and Tuesday's lectures.
- Remember to be in dress code before coming to class tomorrow
- Photosynthesis Vocab List (fill-in with definitions)
- Study for Photosynthesis Vocab Quiz (Tuesday)
- What I want out Biology Class Reflection
- Lab Safety Form signed by you and your parents
- Photosynthesis Overview Paragraph Completed
- Read Syllabus
- Read "Things to Know"
- There will be a quiz every day this week at the beginning of the period
- The major photosynthesis quiz will be on Friday.